Our Class

Our Class
I love these kids!!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Open House Fun!

We had a blast with our Fairy Tale Unit.  It was so great to see most of you at Open House.  If you were unable to attend, here is a snapshot of what we've been up to!
Mirror, Mirror, on the wall..... can you find me on the hall?
How many beans tall am I with Jack and the Beanstalk?
If the Princess and the Pea slept on 4+6 peas, how many is she sleeping on?
Bibbity Bobity Boo!  If I had a fairy Godmother would I like her to do for me?
We even wrote our OWN fairy tales using the iPads in the Kindergarten Kingdom.

For more updates for what goes on DAILY in our classroom, follow us on Twitter @waytobek3!

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!